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للطب الطبيعي المدمج
جامعة عمان الأهلية
قسم التدريب والاستشارات

سجل الآن! يرجى ملء التفاصيل وسنتصل بك قريبا

Stuart McGregor

Stuart graduated from the European School of Osteopathy in 1984, where he wrote his dissertation on 'The principles of osteopathy applied to the horse' This is the first known written work about osteopathy for horses.
His long-term aim was to find a way to adapt and apply all that he learned in his undergraduate studies to working with and benefitting animals. He was excited to discover that osteopathy can benefit non-human animals in the same way that it benefits people.
On graduation, Stuart found that there was no provision for osteopaths to learn to work with animals, so he set about putting his own teaching methods in place so that he could train other like- minded osteopaths. This was the early stages of the Osteopathic Centre for Animals and the teaching facility that it has evolved into today. He has been sharing his learnings and vast knowledge of the subject ever since and has now trained hundreds of osteopaths both here in the UK and abroad. He has also completed a PGCert in Academic and Clinical Education.
Alongside a busy career in human osteopathy, he has been running his own animal practice ever since and has accumulated over 38 years of experience and knowledge of animal osteopathy. He has consequently developed a deep understanding of animals, and the role that osteopathic techniques can play in resolving injuries and maintaining their fitness.
As well as lecturing extensively in the UK and internationally, he regularly advises organisations in the horse and dog care world - including vets, trainers, riders and other equine and canine therapists - of the animal structure and function. He has recently embarked upon a pilot study on gait analysis and the effect of osteopathic manipulation on horses Stuart is acknowledged as a leading world expert on animal osteopathy.


جامعة عمان الاهلية، عمان